From rural New South Wales, The Bard is an independent, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who has nine albums and six singles under his belt. Though quite a few of his songs have a distinct 80’s rock ballad feel, he is best described as an artist who produces songs of a timeless quality. 

The Bard cannot really be slotted into any one particular genre; there are songs with the soulfulness of eighties rock ballads; then there’s a very Australian, legendary ballad of ‘The Pikeman’s Dog’; then there are love songs, rock instrumentals and even an album especially for children.

Whilst not strictly pigeon-holed into the Country genre, one song in particular, ‘Still Around’ definitely stands out as Country, and it made its debut at Number 14 on the Australian IMC Country Radio 'It's My Country' Top 15 chart in December 2022.  The song began at high rotation early December, and continued at high rotation for five weeks, right alongside some other top artists.


All albums and singles are available for purchase on

where proceeds of the sales go directly to the artist.

You can purchase individual tracks or whole albums for download.

Physical CDs are only available for purchase for

'Between the Lines'.


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Click on the image to hear the song on Spotify